Tuesday 23 February 2010

Lip Sync Production

Our Task was to create a video in which we would 'lip sync' to 'Could It Be Magic' By Barry Manilow. One of the first problems we had was trying to listen to the song outside as we were using James Mp3. We decided to buy some speakers to plug into the Mp3 Player but this turned out to be unsuccessful as the music was really quiet so we decided to use headphones instead. Our second problem was that the version of the song we had been given was ten minutes long whihc meant that we had to fill at least five minutes of instrumental time. We were also given the wrong lyrics for the song so we had to spend extra time re-writing them during our shooting time. The intiail filming of the lip sync went ok, and we managed to film all our verses reasonably well and the chorus was ok too even though we had had some problems wiht it because of the lyrics and the fact that the tripod we were given was broken. When we returned to college to edit our video, we realsied that the tape had been faulty and had rsulted in most of our work having stripes over it. This mean that we had to go film some more footage during the afternoon in order to make up for the original recordings that we had lost. In the end we managed to record most of the lip sync however it wasnt as good as we would of liked it to be. If we were to do the lip-sync again, we would like to get a better song and think of a better way of hearing the music so that our video would be of a better quality and also make sure that we were shooting in the correct size so that our video didnt play as widescreen.

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