Wednesday 24 March 2010


For our Music Video Assignment we had to create our own song using Garage-Band and then design and film a pop promo for our song.

My responsibilities during the project were to draw the storyboard for our final group idea, prepare a call sheet, and write out a risk assessment for one of the locations which we filmed at, to get permission from the church which we filmed at to make sure they would let us film inside. I was also camera woman for the whole of the project which meant that I had to shoot a variety of shots form different heights and angles under the direction of Mark who was directing and being filmed in our promo.

Overall I think I did my jobs well and was organised and punctual to both days of our shoot. I also think that the shots I filmed on camera were of a good quality and contain a good amount of varied shots. If we were to do this project again I would like to keep the same high level of effort and organisation because this combined with teamwork was what made our pop promo successful.

From this project I have learnt how to set up lights and use a camera effectively. I am pleased about this as at the start of the assignment I wasn’t very confident about using a camera but as we progressed through the shoot I became more confident and started varying the shots I filmed a lot more. I also learnt how to do a proper risk assessment and call sheet which I wasn’t sure about at the start of the project. I also learnt how to use final cut properly and was able to edit our work well which I wouldn’t of been able to do before the project as my video editing skills weren’t very strong at the start of the project. On the whole, I think that my editing and camera skills have improved dramatically since the start of the project as I have been more hands on with the production work and got to grips more with the equipment and technology.

The final edit of our video is of a good quality as the images are very clear and the audio can be heard clearly. However, when we compressed our video to upload it to YouTube several frames of our video were skipped due to frames being dropped on Final Cut. This meant that some shots in our video were cut out making the narrative seen inconsistent. If we were to do the project again we would make sure that we batch captured our work properly so that frames didn’t drop on final cut so that our video would be uploaded to YouTube in full.

Our use of editing was very effective as we used a variety of jump cuts during the fight scene to make the fight seem realistic. Also, our editing was very quick throughout the whole promo as we had to keep the pace of the video at the same speed as the music. We used a wide variety of camera shots including close ups, extreme close ups, establishing shots, long shots, mid shots, POV shots and tracking shots which made our promo successful as were able to capture the audience’s attention by doing this. We used five locations during the filming of our promo which were; St Mary At Stoke Church, The Abandoned Railway near Cineworld, Chantry Park, Alexandra Park and Ipswich Docks. These all fitted in with the genre of our promo as we wanted our video to look gothic so used places where there would be a lot of shadows and dark areas. These locations looked quite effective in our final edit as we desaturated our video so that the picture wasn’t fully black and white but so it wasn’t in colour either. Our soundtrack was techno/rock and worked quite effectively with our video as we kept our editing fast paced so that people wouldn’t lose interest. However, because none of us in our group were musical, our vocals weren’t of a very good quality which meant that the lyrics seems inconsistent in some places. After reviewing our promo we discovered that the narrative of our video wasn’t very clear as there didn’t seem to be a reason for the guy in our video to be chased although it seemed clear that he was mourning the loss of someone when he laid the picture down at the grave.

I think that my ideas came across well in the finished piece as I wanted to have close up of the church tower and church which would be cut to the beat of the church bells at the start, which we used in our promo and it was very effective. During our brainstorm for our individual ideas for the pop promo we all designed storyboards which contained a church and a chase scene which was used in the final project. The only difference between my original indivual idea and the final group idea was that i had initially put zombies into my synopsis but when we discussed this as a group we realized that we would need to get some extras and buy costumes etc which would have been more complicated and expensive than the simple chase we decided to do.
If we were to do this assignment again we would make sure that the narrative is clearer so that people would understand what is going on in the video.

During the editing week, we shew the rest fo our class our final edit in order to get their responses to our work as our intended target audience was media student and teenagers.
Overall they liked the video and were impressed with the variety of camera shots and fast editing techniques we had used. However, some members of our class were a bit unsure about the narrative of our promo and didnt why our character was being chased. This wasnt helped by the fact that some shots had been skipped due to Final Cut and compressor because of dropped frames during the editing process. However they did think that the music and the visulas related to each other and that the lyrics were relevant although sometimes they were a bit unclear on the track. I think that we intended our video to be compressed and shown on youtube as this means that a larger audience would be able to view our work so we could get a wider variety of feedback.

Overall, i think the pop promo went very well as we got a large amount of footage and were able to edit it the way we wanted to. However, I am slightly disappointed that the narrative of our promo wasnt as clear as we wanted it to be however i think this was due to errors in the editing process.

When comparing our promo to professional music video's, i think that we did quite well considering we had no budget and only one camera to film with. I also think we kept in with the techno/rock style as most video's of that style are very random and abstract.

Finally, i think our pop promo was a success and that my group worked well as a team, however, if we were to do it agian i would make sure that our narrative was clearer and that our video was able to be compressed without dropping frames.

Video In Interactive Media

Video in Interactive Media

Over the past 30 years the use of Interactive media has increased dramatically. In the 1980’s films were only viewed at the cinemas and could only be bought on VHS. In the 1990’s the internet started to be used more but has only become really popular in the last ten years. In 2005, YouTube was launched which meant that people would be able to upload their own clips as well as watching music video’s and film trailers that would have only been watched on television before. As the popularity of downloading music and video increased, more and more content has become available online, so that we are able to watch films, television programme’s, music videos, adverts and film trailers at our computers. As media students, we need to be aware of Video in Interactive Media as we will have to think about the ways in which people will be able to watch our films and work.

Media Platforms in Interactive Media

Media Platforms are programmes or products which we can use to view and interact with video.

One of the most prominent media platforms in the world today is the internet as we can use websites such as YouTube, 4oD, ITV Catch Up and BBC I-player to watch the latest content from our favourite bands and TV shows. This is good for TV channels such as the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 as more and more young people are watching TV via the internet so by making their shows available online they are not losing viewers but gaining them. Websites such as YouTube and Myspace also give the opportunity for unsigned music acts and others to broadcast themselves daily worldwide in order to try and get signed by record labels and TV companies. For example, Andy McKee posted various video’s of him playing guitar on YouTube and was discovered by a record company who gave him a contract. You can know buy his album online. However these websites can also have a negative effect and artists can receive negative comments and abuse as anyone is allowed to comment on the content they have been watching.

Music and Video can also be shared using email attachments which gives us an opportunity to share content with anyone. However, email attachments can also be used by companies to send SPAM - which is unwanted content - and advertise their products to us. Email attachments have also been used to send viruses to computers globally which means people can be slightly apprehensive about opening attached content.

DVD’s have become a very popular way of watching video content as viewers can now watch their films in different languages or with subtitles as well as being able to watch deleted scenes and other extras all on the same disk, which is a huge development since VHS as you would only get the film in the language you had bought it in and would not be given any extra content. On the other hand, DVD’s are now slowly becoming less popular due to the release of blu ray, which are disks which can hold even more content than a DVD and are supposed to give viewers cinema quality. This shows that this type of Media platform will always be changing as companies such as Sony will want to make the public buy even more products that are of a high quality.

CD - ROM’s are used by schools so that students can learn topics by using interactive media. This means that the student has to make choices on the screen. This is a good way for children to learn as they can be more independent however, this method of teaching may not be as successful as sitting in a classroom as a computer cant help you as much as a teacher can.
In the last few years “Kiosks” have been placed in towns and cities to help the general public get useful information, such as bus times, cinema times, road maps, and other tourist information. They are a useful media platform as they give the public instant access to important information.
Presentations can also be used to share information with others. For example, you can use Powerpoint presentations to show text, video, audio and images to other by putting them on various slides and showing them in a slide show. This is a very good of sharing information as people can watch the slideshow and write down notes as well as watching video or listening to the audio without having to go to a separate website. There are also a variety of sites where you can upload a blog which means that you can share your work on the web giving you the opportunity to show your video’s and content globally. Overall this is a good way of sharing media content however, -like YouTube- you can receive negative feedback on blogs as well as receiving abuse as it is open to the public.

Over the past few years a “red button” option has been available on televisions so that viewers can ‘interact’ with the TV programme they are watching. This can include voting on shows such as X Factor, and Britain’s Got Talent, but also being able to catch up on previous shows from that particular channel. This is a good way of making the audience interact with the programme as they can instantly vote etc without having to move from the TV, however, some interactive media using the ‘red button’ has to be paid for which means that only a small amount of people will use this media platform.

You can now also watch movies, listen to music, surf the net, and play games on mobile phones which mean that people can access a wide range of media on one electronic device. This is a very successful media platform as mobile phones has become an essential in modern life. You can also share the content on your phone with other via blue -tooth which means that content can be shared a lot quicker than using other media platforms.

Uses of Video in Interactive Media

I am now going to talk about the uses of video in interactive media and why people create different types of film.

Short films are made so that they can be compressed and posted on sites such as YouTube or blogs so that producers can receive instant feedback on their work as people will post comments on what they have just watched. They are an effective use of video content as they are short and appeal to YouTube users as they only want to watch video’s which are five minutes long as opposed to watching a 2 hour film. This is also a good way for amateur film makers to show their work globally in the hope of getting work from film companies. This is a good way of promoting your work however; you can receive negative feedback from the general public.

Below is an example of a short film which is from a website called that lets amateur film makers post their work online.

Companies use promotional material to promote a certain music artist or film. A good example of this is Michael Jackson’s short film for his hit single ‘Thriller’ which went back into the charts after it was released and became a world wide success. Music video’s are a good way of helping artists to become successful as they can be shown on TV and posted on the internet which means that a wider audience will see it, and therefore will make the band well known.

Below is the “thriller” short movie which helped Michael Jackson become very successful.

Film Trailers are used by Directors and Producers to get feedback from the public to see if their new film release is going to be successful or not. This is a good way for film makers to communicate with the public to find out whether they think the film is going to live up to expectations, especially if the film is based on a comic or book as fans of that particular genre may want certain lines from the books to be included. This is a good use of video content as it summarizes what is going to be in the film and can give film producers feedback from the public via message boards and fan sites.

Below is the trailer for Alice in wonderland which received 6,619,586 views.

User Generated content is material on websites that is produced by the users of the website. For example YouTube is made up of User Generate Content as people view video’s and can upload their own work for other’s to see. There is also an opportunity for people to comment on the video’s they see, and become recognized by record and film companies.

Viral Marketing is where companies advertise their products on sites such as Facebook and Myspace by posting adverts which can influence users of the site to buy the products.This is a good way of advertising as it means that a large amount of people can see you advert quickly, however these adverts can also be sent via email, which means that viruses can also be attached to them. Videos are also posted on YouTube to advertise products. They are often pasted as video responses and people will click on them to see what they are therefore getting more views from the public.

Below is an example of a viral marketing video.

Advertising is used all over the internet. Whether its video’s or pop up’s companies are always trying to persuade you to buy new things or try new products. A good example of advertising are pop ups which can sometimes play a short advert. These appear suddenly as you click on a website to immediately capture your attention and make you read about the product they are trying to sell. However, pop ups can be blocked by users which means that they may not be as successful as they were intended. Viral marketing tends to be more successful than advertising as they post small adverts on websites which will capture the attention of users more than pop ups.

Below is an example of pop up advertising.

Video games are now being used as extra’s on DVD’s so that we can interact with the fictional characters from the movie. These games, when completed can also unlock bonus footage on the DVD. This is a good way of getting people to interact with the media as they are being encouraged to earn bonus content.

Virtual reality tours are used to let users interact with a computer simulated environment which can reflect the real world or an imaginary one. This is often used in places such as museums or historical buildings to show tourists what life would have been like in a certain era in history.
The Internet has also started to be used for long distance learning courses. This means that students can study a degree online without having to leave their homes and ca receive support from tutors via email. This is a good way for students to learn as they only have to pay for the course which means that they will be in less debt than if they were to go to university. However, this method of education isn’t as interactive as being in a classroom as most of the work students have to do will be individual which may mean that they aren’t learning as well as they could be. Also, if E-Learning becomes really popular there may not be a need for teachers anymore which means that a lot of people would not have jobs anymore.

Video in Interactive Media Technologies

I am now going to talk about technologies which are used to show video’s in interactive media.

Video compression is used to make a video smaller so that it can be put onto websites such as YouTube or so that it can be embedded into a blog. This makes it a lot easier for people to share media content as they can upload it onto websites and blogs however the quality of the video can sometimes be bad when it is compressed and can become pixilated.

Streaming is when you can watch content that hasn’t been fully downloaded. In other words, video and audio can be streamed ‘as live’ across the internet which means that people across the globe can listen to your content. However, there can be problems with streaming as it can sometimes take a long time for the content to load, especially if there are loads of people watching or listening to the same thing at the same time.

There are four main types of interactive video formats which are MPEG, AVI, MOV and WMV.
MPEG or mp3 is a popular file format for audio. The pro’s of MPEG are that they are small and high quality and easy to send to people. For example a 8GB i-pod holds up to 2000 mp3’s.
AVI is a video file format which was created by Microsoft.
MOV is a file format used for quick-time player to play music and video.
WMV or Windows media video is a file format which is used on Windows Media Player to play video.
AVI,MOV and WMV can play a variety of different video’s which is why they are all so popular however, they do not work on all computers as you need to have certain codec’s to run them.

Data transfer rates are how quick your internet speed loads a video. If the file size is very large your internet will take a long time to download it whereas if the file is smaller it will be a lot quicker.

Frame rates are the amount of frames that are shown in each second which are usually 25 frames per second.

Screen Resolution is the quality of the footage you are watching. This is normally measured in pixels. For example on YouTube you can choose to play video’s in 360p, 480p or 760p

Picture ratios give you the option for how big or small you want to view your video file. For example, traditional televisions show 4:3 as the were a square shape, but these days televisions are wide screen, which means that we see video’s in 16:3. Film Makers and Music video directors take this into consideration when filming as they have to consider who will be viewing their work and what picture ratio they will be watching it in.

Digital Rights Management are the restrictions that the producers of the video can put on their work to stop people from downloading their content unless they are prepared to pay for it.

There are five types of Media Players that are commonly used to watch video in interactive media. These are DVD, I-Player, Quick-time, Windows Media Player and Real Player.

A DVD or digital versatile disk is a disc which can store a large amount of video and audio content on it by burning it onto it using a fine laser. This can then be played on a DVD player, computer and some games consoles. It is very popular way to watch video content as you can also watch interviews and behind the scenes footage which is also included on DVDs.

Below are the pros and cons of DVD’s;


The hold a large amount of high quality video and audio footage
They include bonus footage
They have extra’s which encourage us to interact and unlock bonus features
They also include trailer of upcoming films, helping to advertise movies which will be released later in the year.


They are becoming less popular due to blu ray

I-player was created by the BBC to enable its viewers to ‘catch up’ on programmes which they may have missed during the week. I-player ‘streams’ it’s content so that viewers can watch the video’s whenever they like. I-player is quite a successful media player however you can’t play any other files on it other than the ones that are provided which mean that there will be a limited amount of people who want to use it.

Below are the pros and cons of i-player


People can watch programme’s they have missed on TV
The BBC have gained a wider audience by making content available on the web


You can only play certain content on the players
You need a good broadband connection so that you can download more content easily

Quick-time is a media player which was developed by Apple, which can play video and audio. It is a very popular media player as you can play whatever you want in it as long as it is in a .mov format.

Below are the pros and cons of Quick-time


It can play a lot of different video’s
High quality playback


Video’s have to be in a .mov format to play on quick-time.

Windows Media Player can be used to store and play your music but can also be used to play video. These days, it is not very popular as people tend to use I-tunes for there music and Quick- time for their video’s.

Below are the pros and con’s of Windows Media Player;


Audio and video can be played on them
You can store music on it


It has become less popular since the launch of i-tunes
It can only play files in a .WMV and a .WMA format

Real Player is a media player that plays most formats of video and audio which is why it is extremely popular as you don’t have to spend time converting content.

Below are the pros and cons of Real Player

It’s a standardized format which can be run on most computers

It has become less popular due to QuickTime and other popular players.

Video’s can be ‘embedded’ into to blogs and websites which means that people can view your work without having to follow a link to sites such a YouTube as they are written into the page.
Video Tagging is when you can tag your video so that when someone types a certain word into you tube your video comes up as it is associated with that word.

Overall video in interactive media is successful because it’s a format that is easy to share, data can be created in days instead of months and feedback can be given immediately.